Compassionate Awakened Coaching

Embody Your Life, Awaken Your Soul – Spiritual Self Love Coaching for women

I spent the first 21 years of my life living up in my head. I was totally detached from the entire beautiful body that we are gifted to spend this lifetime in. I was living in a chronic state of anxiety – the ‘fight or flight’ response, survival mode, every hour of the day without even knowing it. I allowed my happiness to be dependant on everything else in the world other than myself. It wasn’t until my spiritual awakening in 2019 that I realised I had no idea what was going on in my body. In fact I had never truly felt my body for fear of what I would discover. So the lifelong commitment to knowing myself inside and out began. The path began as darkest time in my life so far. I moved through intense anxiety, depression, painfully intrusive and traumatic thoughts and considerations of suicide, with trauma arising from childhood and adolescent relationships that I didn’t realise I had held on to. I watched my life as I knew it fall apart right before my eyes. I moved through this time slowly and intentionally with baby steps, because something within me told me that there was another way to live. I had an incredible team of professionals and guides to help me understand exactly what was happening to me on physical, emotional and spiritual levels. Just like a cars headlights only reveals a little of the journey at a time, each step along the path revealed to me that all I could ever need was within me. It was with a trust in this that got me through and I am now out of the other side. Although, having said that, there is never a final destination. The beauty of life is that healing and personal growth is ongoing, and I am committed to this in my own life just as much as I wish to help others with discovering the same. Every day I am guiding myself home to my heart and learning what it means to truly love my feminine body and soul. A huge part of my physical and emotional healing was learning how to embody my life in all it’s capacity – not only through nutrition and physical health but through spiritual and lifestyle elements also, connecting to the esoteric and unseen. Health is by no means just about the physical. It is about looking at the entire ecosystem of our body and how it connects to our lives on a wider level. It is through my own journey that I wish to help other young women understand the magnificent power that we all hold. Because it is with no doubt within us all.

Holding the hand of my inner child through transformational healing..
…to step into the full power of the woman I am today.

What Is A Coach?

A Coach is your guide on the side when it comes to your healing journey. A Coach in any capacity provides a supportive space for an individuals intuitive healing and transformation. You have all the answers you need within you, and often all it takes is someone to hold space for you to discover that. The approach to each session is client led – the aim is that you leave empowered to keep growing and adapting your health and lifestyle choices in a way that works for you. Health is bio individual and has many facets. No one approach or diet will work for everyone. It is on this evolving journey that I would provide accountability and support (and the odd tip and trick when appropriate) helping you to set goals that are achievable for you. Health is the vehicle that will help you get to these goals – and the road getting there is certainly one to appreciate. It is important for me to emphasise at this stage that I am not a doctor, dietician, nutritionist or therapist. I work alongside those health care professionals as a supplement to your transformation. They prescribe the what (if necessary), and as a partnership we find the how. In about a months time I graduate from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition with the title of ‘Integrative Nutrition Health Coach’, specialising in coaching women between the ages of 16 – mid/late 20s. However, nutrition is a drop in the ocean of the potential that we could touch on within our sessions together.

Who Is Compassionate Awakened Coaching For?

Any women who want to expand into the fullness of themselves and their lives on all levels. I do specialise on coaching younger women beginning their journey, but this is not limited and if we have a connection enough for the partnership to work, then I am open to coaching you! If you’re ready to love yourself deeply with no boundaries and turn your life into one that is high vibe and intentional, then this is for you!

How Would We Work Together?

The first step on your journey would be engaging in the offering of a FREE half an hour Awakening Call in person (if travel permits) or via Zoom. This is a chance for us to discuss where you are in your life (with relation to both physical health and lifestyle) and to get to know one another a little better in a relaxed way. This will allow us both decide whether the coaching relationship would be a good fit.

If your response is a full body YES to beginning to step deeper into your transformation, then we would book in two sessions together – both an hour long. The first would be to look deeper at all areas of your life to find out where you are totally happy and what areas you may like to nurture, as well as to set appropriate goals for your journey. The second would be a follow up to see how you’re getting on. The key with transformation is consistency – really saying yes to your life and putting in place realistic and attainable steps everyday so you begin to see a difference. It does not occur over night, but I can assure you that knowing yourself will be the most incredible adventure you embark upon.

From there, you can book in as many times as you like, when you like. This is tailor made, on demand coaching to make it fit YOUR life. I don’t ask people to book in for a programme, because that may not be viable for everyone. I trust wholeheartedly that if we really gel in our coaching relationship, then we will continue working together. I offer 3 lengths of sessions:

  • 15 minutes – for the moments when you panic and just need to talk to someone. We’ve all been there. You may wish to ask a question, have someone listen to something that is currently going on, get some advice on throwing together a nutritious meal or want a quick pull of some oracle/tarot cards. I will aim to offer these as quickly as I can within the time frame of my working hours.
  • 30 minutes – A little more in depth but still something you can fit around a busy schedule. This time could also be used for a personalised guided meditation or a short yoga practice. That’s the beauty of it – getting to decide what is right for you in any individual moment.
  • 1 hour – The longest session but definitely a time where we would be able to uncover the most. Something that you can schedule in for deeper self discovery. You may even like to use this time for a full length private yoga class or a supermarket tour to help you understand produce and food labelling better. The possibilities are not limited to us sitting and chatting. Although that’s great too.

Whilst you are an active client, you get ongoing support through email and Instagram direct message during my working hours, as well as goodies direct to your inbox that may help your healing journey – a recorded guided meditation, articles that may be of interest, recipes and book suggestions, journal prompts, poetry and songs that may inspire you, as well as the occasional gift tailored to your story. You will also get added to my private Facebook group – a great chance for you to connect with other like minded young women who may be on a similar path to you. Community is a huge key to success.

How do I begin?

If this sounds like something that elevates you, please send me an email via the contact page to begin your journey of fully embodying your life.